
Materials & Components A category for discussions related to the development of specifications, standards or tools related to materials and components. Electronic Components A category for discussions related to the development and use of the IOPA Electronics Component (EC) standard. People & Skills A category for discussions related to work on People & Skills within the IOPA. Business Models & Contracts A category for discussions related to the development and use of the IOPA Business Models and Contracts standard.
Topic Replies Views Activity
0 285 16 March 2023
6 65 11 July 2024
40 1319 8 July 2024
0 78 7 May 2024
0 276 11 October 2023
2 99 9 April 2024
0 157 5 March 2024
1 315 18 January 2024
0 360 4 November 2023
2 234 13 November 2023
2 435 30 September 2023
0 263 22 September 2023
0 247 20 September 2023
0 285 31 August 2023
4 278 11 August 2023
1 261 10 August 2023
0 254 8 August 2023
4 324 12 July 2023
0 266 6 July 2023
0 332 16 June 2023
0 300 1 June 2023
3 509 25 May 2023
1 367 11 May 2023
0 442 10 May 2023
0 347 2 May 2023
1 296 20 March 2023
11 531 14 March 2023
3 335 10 March 2023
1 288 25 February 2023
4 598 7 February 2023