Distributed Contracting - Community Call (July 9th at 12pm UTC)

Join us tomorrow for our next IOPA Community Call on Distributed Contracting.

:spiral_calendar: 2024-07-09T12:00:00Z
:pushpin: on Zoom: Registration link

Register to join us for our July Community Call on building a Distributed Contracting System. @max_w , Technical Coordinator at the Internet of Production (IOP), will present an overview of his research for the development of a digital contracting prototype for distributed production.

This work is supported and funded by mAkE, European Horizon 2020 project, and Research and Innovation Systems in Africa (RISA Fund).

:point_right:REGISTER HERE: Meeting Registration - Zoom

General Consolidated Community Announcements mAkE IMA

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Hi all,

I wasn’t available for the call, but @ericnitschke shared the pad with me and I’ve had a bit of a read through.

Looking through the attached links I have a few thoughts/questions about Quality Inspection. At the moment we are saying this is performed by the buyer/an independent inspector. I think it is important that quality is inspected by the manufacturer so they can get their processes correct to meet a specification. There is then a question to the buyer on how they check that quality control is good enough

  • US manufacturers with specific certifications from external bodies
  • Ask the manufacturer to provide testing reports
  • Batch test incoming products
  • Test all incoming products

Either way. I think the hardest bit about quality control isn’t the who, but the what and the how. Some of this is dimensional tolerances etc on designs, but there may also need to be functional checks. The hardest part of doing quality control well is designing the quality checks, not performing the checks.

Coming back to contracting, I suppose my questions would be:

  • Who is designing the checks? (I ask this skill may not be one the designer has, it is more of a manufacturer’s skill.)
  • As we write template contracts to help people through, how do we help them through this key element? - My only thought here is perhaps a worked example thinking through and designing checks. Not something complete enough to teach the skill, but enough to demonstrate the type of thought process and the sort of checks that may be asked for.

Is this sort of work in scope? @AnnaSera @AndrewLamb

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Good comments and questions from @julianstirling @max_w

Thank you for joining the July Community Call on Distributed Contracting. It was a lively conversation!

For those who were not able to attend, we have the following available:

:zap:Let’s keep the conversation going!

:arrow_right: If you are interested in Distributed Contracting and joining virtual trials : Surveys - Zoom

:arrow_right: Tell us about your Distributed Contracting process: https://s.zoom.us/m/bPvzVcfy3

Hi @Jessicang, I am not sure what these scenarios are. I don’t see them mentioned in the medium post:


Also… the URL for the medium post in the survey is not a hyperlink, and the URL is truncated so people may not be able to access it if they don’t already have it in their browser history.

Here are the scenarios:

Scenario A:

  • One buyer contracting with many makers
  • Each maker contracting with one makerspace for materials, tools, and machines
  • QA performed by makerspaces
  • Items delivered by makers to buyer

Scenario B:

  • One buyer contracting with many makerspaces
  • Each makerspace contracting with one or more makers for manufacture
  • QA performed by makerspaces
  • Items delivered by makerspaces to buyer

Scenario C:

  • One buyer contracting with many makers
  • Each maker contracting with one makerspace for materials, tools, and machines
  • QA performed by makerspaces
  • Items delivered by makers to Recipient

Scenario D:

  • One buyer contracting with one “DM Hub”
  • DM Hub contracts with many makerspaces
  • Each makerspace contracting with one or more makers for manufacture
  • QA performed by DM Hub
  • Items delivered by DM Hub to buyer

Roles in Distributed Manufacturing by @AnnaSera

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