Supply chain management literature

This thread is started from a comment in another thread:

It would be valuable to put together a reading list of supply chain management literature, as a form of first step towards desk research on the topic. Do put a comment if you have a source to share!

Blogpost: Roles in Distributed Manufacturing by @AnnaSera

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Here’s a short list of links that we have accumulated on Diigo.


@BarbaraSchack and @TiberiusB,
Thanks for sharing the link to the blogpost and the groups on Diigo. Interesting reads.
Good idea to start this thread and looking forward to contribute.

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As a start of a reading list of supply chain management literature related to distributed contracting:

An interesting overview of coordination contracts is, in my opinion:
Govindan, K., Popiuc, M. N., & Diabat, A. (2013). Overview of coordination contracts within forward and reverse supply chains. Journal of cleaner production , 47 , 319-334.
This paper classifies coordination contracts in nine groups:
(1) Wholesale price (2) Two-part tariff (3) Buyback (4) Revenue sharing (5) Quantity flexibility (6) Backup (7) Sales rebate (8) Quantity discount (9) Combinations.
These groups could be a starting point for the templates that the blogpost of @AnnaSera is referring to.
A recent paper which focuses on the role of contracts in supply chains in a circular economy:
Mahdiraji, H. A., Govindan, K., Yaftiyan, F., Garza-Reyes, J. A., & Hajiagha, S. H. R. (2023). Unveiling coordination contracts’ roles considering circular economy and eco-innovation toward pharmaceutical supply chain resiliency: Evidence of an emerging economy. Journal of Cleaner Production , 382 , 135135.
This paper describes 16 different contracts in table 3 on page 6.
The wide variety of possible contracts is a clear argument in favor of a modular approach, as suggested by @AnnaSera

A recurring characteristic of contracts is that parties share or exchange something of value with each other. In the context of distributed manufacturing it seems relevant to include multiple value transformation: financial, manufactured, intellectual, human, social and relationship, and natural. See also Get to grips with the six capitals | Integrated Reporting