Thank you to all who participated in last week’s IOP Community call!
If you were not able to join or would like to review some of the discussion, here are the links to the video recording, notes, and slides.
We had the opportunity to welcome new people in the room. We would be delighted to continue the conversations with you on the IOP forum, a good place to start is the welcome thread!
A few key points and next steps from this month’s conversations:
- Open Know-How: moving from working on a standard, to an initiative - by @mak3r-nathan and @schutton:
- Overview of the OKH initiative purpose: OKH Maintenance to Initiative Proposal - Google Docs
- Next steps: you are invited to in the development of the OKH WG charter. This work will be announced and coordinated here.
- Materials and components scoping by @AlexKimber :
- The draft for review is here:
- If you have further thoughts or resources to share with Alex, or simply want to join the discussion, head over here: Materials & Components - Internet of Production Alliance Community
Open discussions:
- There is interest in curating a series of Internet of Production conversations (in this community call format): “What is / why work towards an Internet of Production for” [insert topic/community/sector]. I am interested in kicking this off with one hosting participants from science institutes / academic institutions hosting makerspaces for example. Let me know if you’re interested in speaking about a given topic/sector and do post any thoughts on this in this thread. (Contact person @BarbaraSchack)
- Ideas were shared by the attendees with a focus on business models and incentives related to ensuring the quality of goods produced using distributed manufacturing using federated warranties. We further explored the issue of quality assurance which touched on various aspects of the manufacturing process including documentation, designs, and business models. (Contact person @max_w)
The next call is planned for June 28th, at 12:00 UTC and will include:
- A presentation on a People and Skills specification which has been released for comments, and first tooling prototypes to test out applications of a specification,
- An update + ideation/commenting session on designing the decentralised manufacturing trial that will be run by a consortium of partners within the Innovative Manufacturing in Africa program.