Open Know-Where (OKW) Working Group Reboot

It’s great to see community contributions to OKW conversations; as covered in the earlier post on OKW as an Initiative, Standard, and our continued work, we are now at a point to bring together a reboot of the OKW Working Group (WG).

To help find a time for us to meet, we ask that anyone interested in joining the discussion please complete this poll by Monday April 3, 2023:

OKW WG Reboot Meeting Availability

And, anyone who’s interested means anyone regardless of whether or not you’ve previously been involved in the OKW WG.

There is currently a draft meeting agenda (which is the rolling agenda for all OKW WG meetings, if you would like to review previous topics) to help frame the discussion - contributions/suggestions to the agenda are welcomed! Keep in mind that this meeting will only be 1 hr in length. :grinning:

OKW Working Group (WG) Rolling Agenda/Notes

A date/time for the meeting will be selected and posted here on April 3, once community members have had the opportunity to indicate their availability. Until then, feel free to post any questions/comments/concerns here, or reach out directly to myself or the current OKW WG Chair @AnnaSera, or IoPA Technical Lead @max_w :v:t4:

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MARK YOUR CALENDARS for the OKW WG Reboot Meeting:

Tue April 11
17:00 UTC

Meeting platform/link: Jitsi

If you would like a calendar invite forwarded to you, please reach out directly to @schutton

Otherwise, we’ll see you there! ALL who are interested are welcomed to attend. :v:t4:

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Thanks for an excellent conversation during Tuesday’s meeting. The notes from this, and all previous OKW meetings are available in our open pad:

WG: Open Know-Where (OKW)

Going into this “reboot” meeting, we designated three (3) desired outcomes:

  1. IDENTIFY: What is the OKW initiative?

  2. CLARIFY: What is the process through which we will make decisions regarding OKW project prospects and how to engage in/prioritize the work?

  3. DEFINE: Who should be involved in which groups? How can we clarify what is normative vs informative?

Taking inspiration from the W3C’s WoT process framework model for decision-making and project-based task force and committee work, we agreed to move forward on designating a new/proto governance model for OKW, which supports its maturity into an initiative.

Based on Tuesday’s discussions, and incorporating the ongoing work related to decision making in the IoPA Governance Task Force, a proto-governance model for OKW has been created and is now available for review:

OKW Proto-Governance/Process Framework Model - located in IoPA Governance Community Miro

Next Step(s):

  1. In alignment with the W3C’s WoT process framework model, wherein each working group and task force has a distinct charter, we will be drafting a charter for an “OKW Steering Committee” for community review. The the primary purpose of this group will be to serve as a body that receives and discusses potential projects related to OKW, and how to prioritize these projects in alignment with the OKW Initiative, which is currently framed as:

The Open Know-Where Initiative is tasked to create standards and tools to document and share information about manufacturing facilities, capabilities [provide a clear definition of how OKW integrates with other standards/families of standards] , and machines globally. This is done by creating standardised metadata and vocabularies for information sharing, and providing software tools for data query, display and management.


CALL TO ACTION: Join us for a working meeting to draft a charter for the OKW Steering Committee! Want to be involved in drafting the OKW Steering Group Charter? We’d love to have you!

If you would like to be involved, please indicate your availability here: Drafting the Charter for the OKW Steering Committee (90 min working meeting), no later than Apr 22, 2023. A day/date/time for the working meeting will be posted here on Mon Apr 24.

Come roll up your sleeves with us and help set the course for the future! :muscle:t6: We’ll be working on the PubPub community publishing platform, on which the IoPA has several publications, including our growing suite of data specifications. We’ll provide a brief overview of using this tool for those just creating an account.


This shift of OKW to an initiative and the related proto-governance model serves as a case study for our other families of standards as they continue the maturation process:

  1. Designs & Documentation

  2. Machines & Tools

  3. People & Skills

  4. Materials & Components

  5. Contracts & Business Models

For those just joining the discussion, see the Jan 17 Community Forum post - Open Know-Where (OKW) as Initiative, as standard, and strategy moving forward for discussions leading up to this point in time.

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