An aspect of our research into an open standard for electronic components that I’m personally curious about is how we can connect repair data and metrics from grassroots repair work back to the design team, to make a feedback loop encouraging more repairable designs. This is a super vague point, but I’d like to open the discussion on this relating to:
- How components are selected by designers and engineers at the early design stage and to what extend repairability data influences that decision?
- What kind of repair data is collected and available openly, relating to electronic components. Eg. How many of X component were repaired in product A in this region, compared to that region.
- How might repair data be formatted/presented to design teams, to help them make better repairability decisions?
My inspiration for this train of thought came from looking in Supplyframe, who have a ‘Design-to-Source Intelligence’ platform, that essentially feeds back to designers supply chain information in a comprehensive dashboard in order to optimise BOMs for supply chain robustness and cost. This kind of data architecture could be used to connect design teams with repair data, so they can make data driven decisions when making more repairable designs. Perhaps.
What do you think? Have any suggestions for resources to look into or people to speak to?