Update the field format for "Certifications"

Current wording

4.18. Certifications

Definition: Certifications obtained by the facility.

Format: List the certifications.

Note: Knowledge of these is imperative informal manufacturing and procurement. For example, aid agencies would be able to see which manufacturing facilities have particular manufacturing licenses, such as medical manufacturing.




4.18. Certifications

Definition: Certifications obtained by the facility.

Format: Free text.

Note: Knowledge of these is imperative for informal manufacturing and procurement. For example, aid agencies would be able to see which manufacturing facilities have particular manufacturing licenses, such as medical manufacturing. This field allows for the certifications to be listed in a free-text field


The current format (“List the certifications”) is not consistent with the other fields (which use either a data type or a class), so this Change Proposal aligns it with the rest of the fields.

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