OKH Maintenance WG
Date: 12 May 2022
Time: 16:00 UTC
- Andre Lehmann
- Kaspar Emanuel
- Max Wardeh
- Nathan Parker
- Antonio Anaya
- Martin Häuer
- Pierre-Alexis Ciavaldini
- Sarah Hutton
- Robin Vobruba
- Governance: electing a new chair (5 min)
- Portability standard (10 min)
- Processes Update (15 min)
*OKH search (10 min) - OKH-LOSH (15 min)
Governance: electing a new chair
● Discussion
Nominations: none
If no chair is elected, how do we develop a protocol for having a WG with no chair?
- What is the role of the chair and list of tasks involved
- Role of Governance TF in defining the role?
*Nathan elected as chair
Portability Standard
- Overview of the work being done over the next few weeks
o Intro by Max of the work being done on Portability by Sarah
o Sarah introduced her background, research methodology, and planned outcomes
o Nathan:
Helpful Engineering has been working on this version of OKH: GitHub - helpfulengineering/template-project: Template for new project repositories
- Scope of this WG: will the development / maintenance of the portability standard need
its own WG, or fall under this WG?
o Kaspar moves to keep this WG focused on Discoverability and create another WG
for Portability. Seconded by Nathan
o Nathan: Need to find a way to merge the efforts of different members of the IOPA
and the wider open hardware movement
o Robin: Important to have a good format for the standard that is machine readable
o Nathan expressed desire to work towards integrating the work of the right to
repair movement. Suggestion by Robin to look at ValueFlow
- WG members to give feedback on list of interview questions and candidates for Sarah’s
o Research overview and questions: DAPSI_ Interview_Questions - Google Docs
o List of candidates: https://bit.ly/3TxF8Rc
Processes Updates
This link redirects to work that has been contributed by both Max and Kaspar.
It highlights the proposed standards platforms requirements, Change request proposals and open questions that need to addressed as the standards are being development.
OKH Search
Discussion (This section was not discussed, however updates were shared with the members)
- ● Update from Kaspar: I have also been making progress on improving OKH search as
part of my NLNet/NGI funded project. You can read more about it here:
Two things have come up in that work that are worth mentioning:
- For ease of implementation JSON is king. I have been prototyping on v2 using solely JSON
instead of YAML. For okh-search v1 I worked with YAML. From the software development side JSON makes everything simpler. - There’s a need to have an updatable “feed” of projects that the central search can subscribe to. I prototyped this as a JSON list (e.g.https://bit.ly/40ry2zP) but I have been looking at possible alternatives and singling out RSS/Atom as one I want to test out. Here are some notes on the various alternatives: https://bit.ly/3LFZgOW (feel free to add-to / edit). I hope to make more formal proposals about moving the standard in a direction that addresses these points before the subsequent working group meeting. If you have any thoughts or comments on any of this in the meantime, please email me.
Next Maintenance Working Group meeting is on the 9th June 2022 - 4pm UTC