Minutes of previous meeting: OKW WG - Aug 12 / Rolling Agenda
Next worksession: January 2023; scheduling in process, via community poll on Slack.
Minutes - 9th of December
Review of action points from May 26th
- Overview of Open Supply Hub
- Discussion: OKW as initiative; OKW as standard and the pathway forward
Anna Sera Lowe (WG Chair) - @AnnaSera
James Butler - @Jbutler-helpful
Antonio Anaya - @kny5
Andrew Lamb - @AndrewLamb
Max Wardeh - @max_w
Sarah Hutton (Secretariat Liaison) - @schutton
Recap of Action Items
Anna / Sarah / Andrew / Max Meet to walk through OKW Operational Workflow (Butler; Schack; Lowe; Wardeh; Anaya; Hutton)
Sarah - Create a lightweight OKW application evaluation metric for shareback/review Dec 13
Sarah Schedule an OKW Data Awards Planning meeting (if it cannot be bundled with Dec 9 meeting), including discussion points: how to encourage applications, develop a case study/showcase, establish a review panel and compensate peer reviewers.
Sarah - Poll OKW channels to schedule January OKW WG meeting, include discussion points: oeprational workflow logic/decision, share documentation for review; status report/update on awardees R1 and call for R2.
Meeting Notes:
- New Business / Items to Discuss
Max providing overview of Open Supply Hub as example of data aggregator with a model similar to the IOPA’s
Hoping to provide clarity for the consequences that result from decisions to take varying directions, especially implications to the non-technical aspects, using Open Supply Hub as an exemplar and what they have developed as a model/exemplar.
Open Supply Hub https://opensupplyhub.org started about 2 and 1/2 years ago as open apparel registry; they started by mapping government facilities, then moved into a bigger initiative to map manufacturing facilities.
One of the critical components is the focus on sectors https://info.opensupplyhub.org/sectors; there is emphasis on who does this resource serve? Open Supply Hub - Sectors
They very clearly identify who they are and put forward some constraints about where they are and how to make direction - what are the personas, who is the community? Open Supply Hub - Governance and Policies
The way Open Supply Hub decided to solve the problem was to become an aggregator - they have many use cases identified, and sites mapped
and etc Open Supply Hub - Resources
Compared to OKW, Open Supply Hub is much simpler.
[end of demo]
What is the pathway forward for OKW?
There are implications for governance and policy - looking at how the platform itself is governed; we need to be more clear if we are going to be carrying on this work - for example, how do we define “facility” - what are the parameters?
The governance group should be the one to set out the framework for the communities of interest/WG define parameters, recognizing that governance decisions will have organizational impact - on workflow and DevOps; that is why these governance and WG meetings should be a shared conversation - decisions can’t me made in a vacuum - governance decisions must be well-informed by expert technical oversight.
This shared conversation in governance in collaboration with DevOps will inform what the “north star” is for the future of OKW, and on a practical level, what specifically will Antonio and Max be working on?
What operational challenges need to be addressed to be able to make this truly a world-class platform/operation?
Development of taxonomy for machinery is necessary - and, what is meant by ‘taxonomy of machines’? It could be on a model-by-model basis - Helpful’s work could lend well to this. Relating ‘locatability’ to ‘makeability’.
Levels of hierarchy need to be developed to make it robust enough to connect between the ‘bricks’ / standards - this is a big can of worms, a bigger research project - we admitted we don’t have the resources to address this. We agreed that the best hope at the moment was to use the Wikipedia references.
What’s missing (IoPA) - the acknowledgement that this thread exists, but we’re not necessarily working on - who else is working on it?
The idea of us hosting data just became a necessity - that wasn’t necessarily the original intent.
The original idea was that we would connect together the enormous amount of preexisting data/sites/platforms to get them all talking to each other through APIs.
That is, how can individuals/orgs communicate - “yes, I can make this thing, in this town - I have these resources/expertise available” - including alternatives in the BOM, to save on shipping costs, and use locally source/lower cost materials - more economically and environmentally sound approach.
The ambition - large scale, why not map every single machine on earth? (Andrew)
Equivalent of an IP address for each machines. What is answer, if not UUID?
Andrew is focusing on fundraising for OKW - looking at potential partnerships with ESRI ArcGIS Citizen Science Resources
Distinction(s) to point out:
existence of tool/what type of tool
capacity that the tool creates/delivers
A further distinction/clarification needs to be made:
- IoPA as a data aggregator is an effort that is separate from development of the standard, and we need to decouple it from the conversation about how the standard needs to be modified.
OKW is intended as a data collection/exchange standard - there are challenges in making it work for this purpose (refer to Antonio’s report data_insights.md · GitHub) - part of it is how things are labeled, part of it is strategic; what are the parameters for what information is being collected? In the instance of what was collected by Field Ready, for example; there were hair dressers and coffee shops included - there needs to be a clarity surrounding what is collected.
Validating whether a facility exists or not is vastly easier than verifying whether a machine exists in that space.
We could have thousands of data points to meet our KPIs - but is that in alignment with our goals? What type of data is being collected, and does it matter - is it useful to the communities we are seeking to support?
Concerning data migration and cleanup -
What is the process and approach for defining parameters, and differences between datasets - how are identities defined?
Should we include big factories? Are we losing details? Is it too much data?
This is another part of if/how we’re going to host data - how can we compress and prepare it for use in machine learning?
We need to (pre)define the taxonomy.
Currently scraping from two databases (U.S. and Mexico - will add EU). If we are to continue the same approach - will have 6 milliion points in the next few weeks (Antonio).
Depending on who’s involved and how they’re involved:
In order to move forward productively w/ data aggregator - use cases, how are people going to use them, what could/should (or shouldn’t be included in that dataset). When something regarding the platform comes up - having a conversation with API access. Identifying the people in the community who want to use the data and why - how can we identify the people in the community who could use this information
People who want to use the standard and engage in the data exchange.
Helpful’s goal - both machine readible and human readible.
HUGE question - what is a required field, and what is not?
Weighing in on prioritization question (Anna) - we should go for the different models approach; time investment otherwise isn’t reasonable.
- Action Items / Next Steps
@max_w, @kny5, and @schutton meet on Dec 16th to establish call for community engagement, which will speak to each of the following threads:
Steps/channels/opportunities for engaging in OKW
Helpful data exchange @Jbutler-helpful interested in moving this forward
Taxonomy for machines and tools; @Jbutler-helpful is interested in joining the discussion;
@schutton prepares OKW Data Award strategy for review by Anna et. al.
@schutton will circulate poll to schedule OKW WG meeting for Jan
Minutes of previous meeting: OKW Rolling Agenda