OKH Adoption WG - 22.7.14

Minutes of previous meeting: OKH Adoption WG - 22.5.10 - Open Know-How - Internet of Production Alliance Community
Minutes of next meeting: OKH Adoption WG - 22.8.9 - Open Know-How - Internet of Production Alliance Community

Minutes - 12th July


  1. welcome
  2. Review of the 4 work streams defined in previous meeting. For each, agree on milestones.
    -Defining and monitoring Metrics for adoption
    -Tooling that makes OKH directly useful
    -Market research: Presentation of research findings by Sarah Hutton
    -Creating adoption support documents

Recap of action items:
Start conversations (on forum and in a call) about:

  • Andre post on forum idea for google ads and start conversation (try an ad using microscope / solar-panel etc… models that have OKH, using projects we already have)
  • Emilio: “thanks to OKH: take similar devices and compare their specs” post on forum the idea and start conversation
  • Emilio & Barbara - “ask a hardware librarian” - Action item : meeting and pitch the idea on the forum
  • Antonio & Emilio : fabacademy: searchability of other student projects - port of OKH search
  • Barbara - Define 3-4 metrics to be discussed by this group.

Attendees: Sarah Hutton - @schutton ; Max Wardeh @max_w, Antonio Anaya @kny5 , Barbara Schack @BarbaraSchack , Andre M Chagas @amchagas, Raisa Ismaily @Raisa2021, Emilio Velis @emilio

Meeting notes:

The meeting focussed on a review of the 4 work streams defined at the previous meeting. For each, we tried to agree on milestones (MS)/action item (AI).

Workstream 1: Tooling that makes OKH directly useful: previous discussion: Where to put the manifests? can repositories and libraries be compiled? etc

→ Andre: How can we spin OKH to have a direct use for people, be as tangible as OKW?
→ Emilio: Idea for tooling: thanks to OKH: take similar devices and compare their specs. Conversation started with Kaspar - Appropedia:Instances - Appropedia: The sustainability wiki - Action item: Emilio, post on forum the idea and start conversation
→ Emilio & Barbara - “ask a hardware librarian” - Action item : meeting and pitch the idea on the forum (NOTE: Sarah has shared documentation regarding an infrastructure and support system that has been used for this work - World Librarians/ https://worldlibrarians.org)
→ Antonio (action item) & Emilio : fabacademy: searchability of other student projects - port of OKH search

Workstream 2: What metrics for adoption? Previous discussion: Number of manifests, Segmentation (and how this might link to the work on the search engine) etc
→ Action Item: define 3-4 metrics - action item barbara. suggested metrics published on forum for discussion

Workstream 3: Market research:

→ Needed: regular publication of “state of OKH” - this is closely linked to workstream 2 : i.e picking and tracking metrics. But would also give a picture of right now. This is a large part of the research done by Sarah Hutton (see notes further down, and this topic: Results and Next Steps from DAPSI Phase 1 which gives a recap of the research results. The report can be downloaded here: https://iopa.fra1.digitaloceanspaces.com/reports/reports/DAPSI%20Phase%201%20Use%20Case%20Analysis%20(OKH%20P&I)%20July2022(2).pdf)

→ “Marketing” plan for platforms: list, 1:1 “customer engagement” and/or focus groups, monitoring of progress:
Why would a platform adopt OKH? think through ideas of value added:

  • use OKH + Google ads - example: try an ad using microscope / solar-panel etc… models that have OKH using projects we already have. - Action item: Andre post on forum the idea and start conversation
  • NOTE: Sarah has a research communications strategy document for dissemination of DAPSI P1 research which includes some marketing strategies, with which any of these suggestions would be integrated

→ Presentation of research findings by Sarah Hutton

Phase 1 Brief
  • Research Remit: First phase of DAPSI project included research into use cases of platforms’ use of the OKH standard: ​
    ----> Benefits and challenges of those members of the IOPA who have adopted the use of the standard on their platform by publishing manifests​
    ----> Issues preventing adoption by those members of the IOPA who have not adopted the use of the standard​
  • Intent is that a maker, designer, or platform can choose to adopt the OKH specification, rather than an over-prescriptive approach that deters adoption​
    ----> Mandatory aspects of the OKH specification are kept to a minimum, to lessen the barriers for those who want to make their know-how discoverable. ​
    ----> 4 fields are required for OKH search and discoverability in okh v1.0.0​
    ----> Missing field(s) across all use cases: health and safety industry standards/requirements, which are frequently dependent on local government regulatory practice.
  • Use Case (UC) Findings:
    ----> UC1/OKH Search v1: Challenge with knowing where manifest files are published required manually adding manifests for indexing. To date, there are 490 YAML files in the dataset, with varying levels of information present in the product manifest. No data validation​
    ----> UC2/Appropedia: Addition of sdg field (sustainable-development-goals) for categorisation by UNESCO’s SDGs.​
    ----> UC3/OPEN-NEXT LOSH-Crawler: Scrapes project metadata on various platforms and converts it to manifest files. Ontological mapping is in TURTLE; “lossy” multiple optional fields removed for ease of use.
  • Recommendations Based on Findings (to guide next steps):
    ----> R1: Develop a shared understanding amongst all stakeholders and workings groups (WGs): OKH specification intent/audience and conduct additional community research.​
    ----> R2: Develop a shared ontological understanding amongst all stakeholders and WGs: OKH specification metadata schema, manifest fields, and data format.​
    ----> R3: Develop a shared validation and feedback system for built objects and projects.
  • Technical Development
    ----> Manifest validation​ - Web-based tool and API​
    ----> Open source and published on Github: - https://github.com/iop-alliance/okh-validator ​
    ----> Decentralised data storage​
    -------> Use of SOLID Pods to store manifest files​
    -------> A linked data vocabulary needs to be agreed by community to include files as well as data​
  • Data conversion
Research Communication Strategy

What are your recommendations for dissemination to the community? Options currently under review:

  • August Newsletter: Announcement of Research Findings and Next steps
  • Community Site: Links to full Use Case Analysis and Progress reports posted to Community Site (General or OKH)
  • Community Call: Presentation and Discussion OKH portability R&D: conversation with Sarah Hutton and Max Wardeh; to be recorded and disseminated. 30 min on research findings, 30 min on tech R&D, with ample time for community discussion. Option to consider: send a feedback form to all community call participants/recording viewers with the following questions (example):
    ----> Is it clear what the research results were?
    ----> Is it clear what the next steps are?
    ----> Do you have any questions or concerns regarding the recommendations for next steps?
    ----> Are you interested in participating in next steps (if you aren’t already), and if yes, in what way?
  • Conference/Event Presentation: Presentation and Discussion OKH portability R&D: conversation with… (TBD)
    ----> Identify venues for sharing - recommendations welcomed!
    ----> Update presentation from community call to fit event/conference format and audience.
    ----> Presentation could be canned recording for share by any IOP rep
    ----> For discussion component, Max Wardeh and Sarah Hutton could present, or a panel could be constructed, or… options abound!
  • WG Meetings: Distil snippets/briefs from the full Presentation and Discussion OKH portability R&D presentation and frame for individual working groups to shared during regularly scheduled meetings. This could also be a venue for sharing emergent themes from the research, such as has been done with the Governance WG.

Workstream 4: Creating adoption support documents. Not covered.

Presentation of the preparatory notes from Ronald:
In addition to the discussion on the 4 workstreams above, the group also discussed the preparatory notes which Ronald had prepared for the OKH adoption working group by going over all previous discussions.

Previous Focus

This WG groups initial focus was to analyse and support the adoption of the OKH standard, as well as improving awareness about the standard.

The main questions for discussion centred around:

i. Tooling and motivations for people to use OKH

ii. The two options for manifest creation: built-in a platform vs. manual

iii. Brainstorming on the renewed scope of Adoption of WG

Current Focus

In the recent redefined scope four workstreams have been developed for discussion:

1. Tooling that makes OKH directly useful: Where to put the manifests, can repositories and libraries be compiled, etc

2. What metrics for adoption? Number of manifests, Segmentation (and how this might link to the work on the search engine) etc

3. Market research: Informed by the metrics above, conducting a study of the State of OKH to date: Number of manifests, who uses it, Who doesn’t use it yet and why, Review of the platforms of interest and renew partnership building

4. Creating adoption support documents: suggested outputs included: Video 3 minutes on how-to/what is OKH. A topic is user guides, though the format for such documentation is not clear

My take on the Scope

  • OKW adoption gets much more traction than OKH adoption, because OKW has been deployed in different countries with results to present. It is therefore easy to pitch it to other organizations than OKH which still has some debates of OKH V1 vs LOSH, OKW also requires less technical knowledge therefore it is easy to be deployed than OKH which may require some technical support. It could be interesting to test outreach using them as a “bundle”. Possible target group: makerspaces.

  • Develop frameworks for adoption this includes: the type of support given to organizations that adopt the standards. How do we constant check in with organizations that are using the standards to gain value feedback.

  • Strategic mid/term view: see OKH as one of several pieces of infrastructure. It might be easier to support adoption for one after the other rather than deploying all standards at the same time.

  • Support existing adopters: focus on engaging organizations to adopt the standard in their field work. This can be achieved by accessing the current adoption of the standard. Ask: how are we already providing value, if any. What can be improved? From these learnings more organizations can be reached out to with a better version of the standard.

Minutes of previous meeting: OKH Adoption WG - 22.5.10 - Open Know-How - Internet of Production Alliance Community
Minutes of next meeting: OKH Adoption WG - 22.8.9 - Open Know-How - Internet of Production Alliance Community