New partners in Africa

Hi @Jessicang please meet @Plenty4All (Polycap)

Polycap is part of Plenty4All a partnership between Jack (see in this video), who lives in the US and a coop in Kenya, founded by Polycap. They collaborate on humanitarian / sustainability projects. Polycap has set up a farm where they experiment and implement various open source hardware solutions for generating power, electric water pumps, drip irrigation systems, rain water collection and food storage. At the same time, they also operate a children shelter and education camp. They are not a makerspace, but a community farm where various experiments take place.
I think that Polycap and his coop can be great partners with the mAKE project.
I also wonder if you could connect Polycap with various funding agencies.


Thanks for the introduction @TiberiusB . @Plenty4All nice to meet you. I would be happy to jump on a call whenever you have time to learn more about your activities, to present you the mAkE project and see how we could collaborate :slight_smile: My email is - Feel free to send me an email so we coordinate. Thanks