Makerspace Impact Indicators - report V1

Makerspaces are viewed as useful labs in communities as they present users with
the relevant tools and equipment that facilitate education, creativity and
innovation. Unfortunately, tracking and measuring the impact of makerspaces in
Africa has been a challenge and that can be partly attributed to the absence of clear
impact indicators.

In an attempt to contribute to solving the said challenge, this
study presents 74 indicators that can be used by makerspaces in Africa to track and
record their impact. Click here to read it.

The report is currently published on the Internet of Production Alliance website. The author is Gertrude Mawuena Goh, #communities:ima-community Impact Indicator Lead and Researcher.

This is the first version (V1). If you are interested in this topic and would like to contribute to the research, feel free to comment here or contact Gertrude at, or me directly at