Maker Policy Playbook Release

On behalf of Open Works, collaborator Will Holman is excited to share the release of the Maker Policy Playbook with you! :tada:

This e-book documents Open Works’ 3-year advocacy process to bring MD SB453, the Maryland Makerspace Initiative Program (MMIP), to life; the MMIP is the first bill of its kind in the United States, and lays the foundation for a public-access network of makerspaces throughout the state of Maryland.

The Maker Policy Playbook is designed to be an open-source toolkit that other maker organizations can use to help generate their own advocacy campaigns.

Openworks Executive Director Will Holman will be hosting a free webinar about the playbook and legislative process for MakerUSA:

Tue Jun 20
17:00 UTC
REGISTER for the Zoom call here

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