mAkE: Monthly Meeting

As part of the mAkE project, the Internet of Production invites you to join our Work Package 4 (WP4) monthly meeting focusing on the work developed within the project, on the Maker Passport, the Map of Machinery and Distributed Contracting systems.

The objective of the WP4, lead by the Internet of Production, is to introduce standards and build infrastructures to enable distributed local manufacturing by sharing skills, machinery and contracts across makerspaces in Africa and Europe.

:spiral_calendar: We will be posting here the dates of our next calls.
:eye_in_speech_bubble: Follow our progress and join the discussion.

See you then/there! In the meantime, keep an on our Upcoming Events calendar for interesting happenings on the horizon, and feel free to jump into ongoing conversations in any of the channels on our forum.


Book Your Calendar!

Join our mAkE Monthly Meeting focusing on the Maker Passport (project scope and use cases) and an overview of the Distributed Contracting systems.

:pushpin: 2024-06-27T12:00:00Z
:link: Join Zoom Meeting

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