Join us for the IOP Community Call: September 26, 16:00UTC

All are welcome to join for the next Internet of Production Community Call :tada:

Tuesday September 26, 2023 at 16:00 UTC (60 min call)

Registration is FREE, and REQUIRED to participate in the call


The People and Skills Standard provides a framework for creating an individual record of experiences, skills, and relevant training and certificates that makers can use to showcase accomplishments and relevant knowledge to potential employers, peers, and collaborators across global networks.

Join us for this month’s community call, during which Research and Community Engagement Lead Sarah Hutton will discuss the People and Skills Standard. You will hear from Sarah, joined by community experts, how the standard is being tested in the Innovative Manufacturing in Africa program, the mAkE Consortium project, and how community members can get involved in contributing to a community-led initiative to further develop this standard and accompanying outreach.

To learn more about the People and Skills Standard before the call, see the one page flyer for an overview, or navigate to the People and Skills Initiative page on the Internet of Production’s website.

Be sure to MARK YOUR CALENDAR for the rest of the IOP Community Calls this calendar year:

  • Tue Oct 31 - 13:00UTC / Topic: Business Models Catalog for Makerspaces
    REGISTER NOW to save your spot and add it to your calendar!

  • Tue Nov 28 - 16:00UTC / Topic: Open Know-Where Initiative Sunrise and Updates
    REGISTER NOW to save your spot and add it to your calendar!

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Thank you to all who participated in last week’s IOP Community call!

If you were not able to join, or would like to review some of the discussion, here are a few links:

A few highlights from the call

  • Alfred P. Sloan Foundation funding has ended, looking to next set of ideas

  • Being approached by donors (particularly in UK government) for further investments in makerspace networks and distributed manufacturing infrastructures

  • Community is growing with more collaborations emerging and new community members, particularly through the International Association for the Study of the Commons

  • Submitted a bid specifically to invest in the community of the Internet of Production through the National Science Foundation Platform for Open-Source Eco-systems (POSE) fund

  • A new brand will be launched soon, thanks to support from strategic communications consultancy Prophet and members of the community for contributing to the process

  • Thomas Mboa from the mAkE project presented on PSS integration with OER and maker passport initiative

  • Gertrude Goh/Andrew Lamb discussed integration of PSS with the Innovative Manufacturing Awards

The next community call is planned for:

Tuesday October 31, at 3:00PM GMT
Topic: Business Models Catalog
REGISTER in advance to reserve your spot :tada: