Hi all,
@schutton and I are playing with ESPO CRM, a tool that would allow IoP affiliates / members to steward relational assets (lists of contacts, social capital, …). We are coordinating this work on Trello.
For example, we will use it to gather lists of organizations and contacts that we will engage in various activities.
As we set up this environment, we need to make choices for various parameters, which will affect how YOU will feel, what you will be able to do in it. Once these parameters are set they will act as self-enforcing rules on you. Since open networks avoid the creation of casts, priesthood class who can unilaterally shape our digital environment and skew your behaviour, I am calling on the community to help us define the general principles that will guide the choice of these parameters.
I will update this first post based on the discussion that will follow below, capturing the essence or the consensus.
This may eventually mature into norms and rules that can be applied at large, on the entire IoPA network.
Empowerment: allow affiliates to use common sense, do not over regulate.
Sharing: allow your peers to develop on any relation, your friends are my friends.
Permanency/Accumulation: Make it easy for affiliates to add content but very difficult to delete content.
Decentralization: avoid over-accumulation of influence in a single agent or a select group of agents.
I’ll start by sharing some governance content from Sensorica, to be considered as food for thought and for remix.
Norms around social capital
We encourage sharing contacts with the community. At this moment, (…) for every contact there is a list of active affiliates who have a trust-based relation with the contact.
If you find a contact in the list that you want to engage with, respect the existing trust-based relations. Ask the individual(s) nurturing the relationship to introduce you first and take it from there. Then, feel free to further develop the relationship on your own. Use tact and common sense.
Jumping over too fast or frustrating established relations might cost you reputation.
If you share your list of contacts feel free to add instructions and rules around them.
Social contacts, or trust-based relations can be utilized in different ways for the benefit of the community. Different individuals can use trust-based relations in different ways. This is why it is important to share connections and let others find ways to create value from them.
One concern is to avoid accumulation of social capital or to avoid creating a mechanism through which some popular and reputable individuals become increasingly more influential, become powerful hubs in the network.
Sharing social connections and allowing others to develop on them allows a wider distribution of social capital. It is believed that this practice allows the network to extract more value for the collective social capital.
When making rules around our personal lists of contacts that we share with the community we can think of the following principles
1. This is your social capital and you are entitled to benefit if the community uses it and benefits. Being included in the exchange allows you to stay on top of that.
2. It is in the benefit of the community to act along the lines of trust that are already established.