Governance Task Force work session 22.08.16

The next work session will be at 1pmUTC on August 16th.
The rolling agenda is here: iop-governance-tf-running-agenda-9uk8 | Framapad semestriel

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Minutes from the previous work session
Minutes from the next work session

Next work session: 22.9.20 13UTC


Attendees: @AnnaSera @BarbaraSchack @max_w @Raisa2021 @TiberiusB

Agenda and notes:

1. Welcome

2. Confirm date and time of next meeting: Meetings will be every 3rd Tuesday of the month at 13UTC. The next one is September 20th.

3. Review of action points from previous meeting

4. Discussion points

4.1 work stream on Foundational documents:

  • Charter
  • DEI principles - draft done Commitment to Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (IOPA)
  • Community rules / Privacy policies and code of conduct for community forum - draft proposed by Kaspar on Slack. Is that one or several documents (an overall community rules document that any community member should abide by within the alliance, and a code of conduct one per platform)
  • Taxonomy for standards development and principles for standards development at the IOP. Will use the work done to create the community engagement lead role description

4.2 Work stream on IOPA governance reboot: how the Alliance is governed and how the IOPA-IOP Foundation(s) relate:

  • Discussion on scope: are we looking only at the IOPA-IOPF relations? No, we are looking broadly at how the IOPA is governed. This means that “How does the IOPA <-> IOP Foundations governance function?” is a subset of the question “How is the IOPA governed”.

  • Discussion on mandate of the Governance Task Force to explore this: this task force exploring the question above means that the current governing structure and groups (the IOPA council, task forces and working groups) could and probably will be changed significantly. Where does this mandate come from? The council tasked the governance task force with exploring the IOPA governance since its creation in 2018, and tasked it with looking at the IOPA-IOPF relations as well in February 2022. To support that renewed mandate, council members interested in contributing to this topic were encouraged to join the Governance Task Force. Beyond the council, all members of the IOP Alliance community have been (and still are) invited to join the governance task force (via slack, the community forum and the July 2022 newsletter) and told that it is “starting conversations to create a more open and representative governance model”. The governance task force reports back to the council currently, and the intention in this reboot process is to report back to the community more broadly since the overall structure is in discussion.

  • What are the main questions? A document collates the main questions and hosts discussions on them. A brief TL.DR from this work session’s progress on the document:
    → a chapter on “where do we want to get to”, and “how do we get there” were added.
    → We had a conversation about the influence of the terms we use now on how we think (“Council” as an example that influences the thinking towards “creating a group of people who decide” rather than “defining a process for a function that we needed”).
    → The questions listed in February’s work session were reviewed, and it was agreed that our current focus is on the Medium Term section. The Short term questions have largely been answered - some people are working on building the Foundation, the IOP Alliance is continuing as a related but not interchangeable entity so the focus moves to reform of the IOP Council and defining a model for the Alliance, which is then able to take decisions on how to interact with the Foundations.

  • Discussion on the entities/organizational structure : Discussing organizational structure, open network vs Foundations. We refer to a number of entities: the alliance, the foundations, the organisations that are members of the alliance/alliance community. Approach discussed: the network is real, it is where work is done, where thighs are produced. Foundations and any other legal entity are legal constructs enabling funds to be circulated or providing other functions. In that sense entities are service providers to the alliance/community/network, which can be seen as interfaces with various agents within the ecosystem, such as Government, Banks, Market, etc.

  • Outcome of this workstream: This workstream will deliver a document that outlines the governance structure

4.3 Proposal to host a workparty on designing governance processes. Plan: early September. Action point: Tiberius, review the template. Process to design governance

5. Confirm Action points moving forward

  • Tiberius, review the governance template
  • Barbara: create drafts for some of the foundational documents

6. Close