GOSH March Community Call: Featuring presentations from EmbryoPhenomics and the Internet of Production Alliance (IoPA)

The next GOSH Community Call is taking place on March 14 at 8:00 pm UTC. The call will feature presentations from EmbryoPhenomics and the Internet of Production Alliance (IoPA)!

Register for the call here!

More about the presentations:

EmbryoPhenomics: An opensource window on the most sensitive stages of life

Presented by Dr Oliver Tills

Embryonic development is a fundamental period of life, that shapes what follows, but is also when animals are typically at their most sensitive. We are a group of marine biologists with a passion for harnessing new technologies to push the boundaries of measuring the sensitivity of aquatic animals during their early development and to apply this capability to pressing global challenges. I will be introducing the context and drivers of our R&D, the research it enables and our future directions.


Internet of Production Alliance: An open, community-driven, global ecosystem supporting the future of decentralised manufacturing

Presented by Sarah C. Hutton (@Sarah) and Barbara Schack (@schackb)

The Internet of Production Alliance (IoPA) is a global ecosystem of people and organizations who believe in a future of production defined by decentralised manufacturing and shared knowledge. With the shared vision of a world where people can quickly create and fabricate products made from a combination of locally sourced materials and global designs, the Alliance supports ongoing R&D, and community engagement in support of a reimagined, sustainable manufacturing system. Groups currently represented in this community cover hardware design, design sharing platforms, manufacturers and manufacturing associations, maker and fab lab communities, assistive technology, disaster relief, international development, and open science hardware. Sarah Hutton, Research and Community Engagement Lead for the IoPA, will be discussing the work of the Alliance, including progress standards related to the documentation and designs involved in manufacturing, current and upcoming projects, and how the GOSH community can get involved.


What are GOSH Community Calls?
GOSH community calls are virtual meetings aimed to learn about the activities and projects of GOSHers around the world, discuss interesting Open Science Hardware topics and make things easier for those interested in joining GOSH. The calls consist of a 20-minute presentation of projects or topics followed by discussion, and some time for introductions/community announcements.

That’s all for now, please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions about the call!

-Bri :v:

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