📢 Announcing the Release of the “Map of Machinery” Report!

We’re thrilled to share the release of a comprehensive new report on the Map of Machinery project, part of Deliverable 4.3 in the “mAkE - African European Maker Innovation Ecosystem” project, developed by the Internet of Production, written by @kny5 .

This groundbreaking report outlines the motivations, challenges, and outcomes behind creating an interactive map of manufacturing capabilities. The Map of Machinery is an open data tool designed to:

  • Locate and visualize manufacturing machinery based on location, ownership, and capabilities.
  • Foster collaboration and intelligence within distributed manufacturing networks.
  • Enable local procurement for humanitarian aid, disaster relief, education, and economic development.
  • Support makers in finding and connecting to nearby resources while encouraging global partnerships.

Key Highlights of the Report:

:white_check_mark: Development of open and replicable data aligned with F.A.I.R. principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable).
:white_check_mark: Insights into overcoming technical challenges in data collection, privacy, and governance.
:white_check_mark: Case studies of key applications, including rapid response procurement tools, guidelines for maker-space learning, and employment creation.
:white_check_mark: Tools and resources developed, such as AI-powered data processing systems, portable online/offline maps, and survey forms with KoBoToolbox.

The Map of Machinery builds on the Open Know-Where Standard, designed to classify and collect data on manufacturing facilities and machines to promote distributed manufacturing. By connecting networks of makers, this tool empowers local production, strengthens economies, and creates opportunities for community-driven innovation.

Why It Matters:

The state of distributed manufacturing networks was previously unmapped, leaving gaps in understanding how spaces and capabilities are distributed globally. The Map of Machinery provides a powerful tool to support designers, manufacturers, and innovators in revitalizing local economies and meeting local needs, especially in times of crisis.

:link: Read the Full Report and Join the Conversation!
We invite you to explore this exciting project and share your thoughts. Access the report here and let’s discuss how this initiative can further advance distributed manufacturing.

Let’s map out a better, more connected future for local and global production! :earth_africa::sparkles: